Allodium is a cooperative sovereigns, bound by an Affirmation of Truth, Rights, and Responsibility, forming a sovereign nation-state.
Allodium was formed on Tuesday, October 10th, 2017, by the voluntary assent of Sovereigns Naan and Gene of the Affirmation of Truth, Rights, and Responsibility; thereby constituting the Sovereign Cooperative.
The word “Allodium” was chosen to represent the Cooperative, due to the definition of allodium being in alignment with the intended nature of the Cooperative, and due to the lack of modern-day usage of the word allodium.
Allodium is comprised of Affirmed Sovereign Members and their staked allodia; an independent abundance-based blockchain currency system, or Exchange; and members of that Exchange, who have voluntarily joined Allodium, but have not acceded to the Affirmation of Truth, Rights, and Responsibility.
On 10/10/2017, Naan staked his allodium, OG Foundation, to Allodium as the orignial Allodial Foundation (Δ) of the Cooperative, initiating the genesis block of the Exchange, and establishing the sovereign territory wherin the jurisdiction of Allodium is law.
The judicial system of Allodium; as established by the Affirmation of Truth, Rights, and Responsibility; is currently in operation, and has established a precedence of case law within the jurisdiciton of Allodium.
Allodium backs an abundance-based blockchain currency and credit system, referred to as the Allodium Protocol. The protocol governs the generation of Appreciation Token (@) currency, as well as a means for Affirmed Sovereigns to securitize their role in the Cooperative through OG Cred (Ø) staking.
Non-Affirmed members of Allodium are free to join the Exchange, through the sponsorship of an existing Affirmed Sovereign of Allodium.
The basic unit of currency of the Exchange is an Appreciation Token (@). Each member generates 1@/day and @ are indivisible.
Members who enter into the consensus Affirmation of Truth, Rights, and Responsibility can exchange 1000@ for 1 OG Cred (Ø) stake in Allodium, upon approval from a majority of existing Ø stakeholders. Each Ø rewards its owner 10@/week and a weighted vote in the Cooperative.
Labor exhausted in the development of Allodium generates 10@/hour, once verified by majority of Ø stakeholders, or a member with that delegated authority. Each member can hold a maximum of 168Ø, which represents a fully accredited Sovereign of Allodium (Jedi).
Voting within Allodium is done voluntarily by OG Cred (Ø) stakeholders. Affirmed Sovereign Members have 1 vote for every Ø they bear. Delegation of votes to a representative can be done voluntarily. There are three tiers of votes within Allodium, corresponding to various decisions
Majority Votes require a 50% majority of Ø stakeholders to approve. Majority Votes relate to verifying the generation of Appreciation Tokens (@) via labor, staking assets, or exchanging @ for Ø.
Super-Majority Votes require a 67% majority of Ø stakeholders to approve. Super-Majority Votes relate to the delegation of Reserve @, updates to existing protocols, and approving delegation of authority (see Scaling).
Consensus Votes require 100% of Ø stakeholders to approve. Consensus votes are required for judicial proceedings, modifications of existing protocols, and any decisions which bear collective force.
Weekly Allodium Blockchain Reports, which contain a transparent accounting of the Exchange, as well as relevent Allodium updates, are published on Steemit here: https://steemit.com/@allodium
Communications are currently done primarily using the Telegram messaging app, where there is a group chat for members, as well as an announcement channel here: https://t.me/AllodiumCooperative
For additional information, contact Sovereign-Naan Of-Allodium via Telegram app- https://t.me/Sovereign_Naan